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Brought to you by our gardening experts

Composting Fat and Oil Residues from the Kitchen - By Angus Stewart

Composting Fat and Oil Residues from the Kitchen - By Angus Stewart

We are sometimes asked whether it is OK to put fats and oils into home composting systems, whether they be compost bins or worm farms. The answer is...

Managing your compost bin and what to do when your compost bin is full - Part 3

Managing your compost bin and what to do when your compost bin is full - Part 3

The maintenance of your compost bin will depend on what composting system you have adopted. There is a trade off here, as the more time and effort you put in, the faster the composting process will go.

Setting Up your Compost Bin – Part 2

Setting Up your Compost Bin – Part 2

Location, location, location is the real estate agent’s motto, and it applies equally to compost bins. A convenient and appropriate position in your garden is very important for a successful composting setup. Here are some tips for finding the perfect spot.

Beginners Guide To composting – Part 1

Beginners Guide To composting – Part 1

What is composting?

Composting is the process of decomposing materials that were once part of a living organisms. It really is possible to come up with a composting system for any size garden from a balcony to a farm. Let us look at how to get yourself up and running from scratch.

Composting FAQ’s - Your Guide to Sustainable Living with Tumbleweed

Composting FAQ’s - Your Guide to Sustainable Living with Tumbleweed

Whether you are new to composting or looking to refine your techniques, this guide has you covered. Composting is an excellent way to reduce waste, enrich your garden, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Let us dive into the most frequently asked questions about composting.

How to revive my neglected compost heap/bin

How to revive my neglected compost heap/bin

In many Australian gardens lurks a forgotten compost heap or bin that is begging to be rediscovered and revitalised.

International Compost Awareness Week Australia is here!

International Compost Awareness Week Australia is here!

International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry and this annual event aims to raise awareness about the benefits of composting.

Rehydrating Soils – turn your soil into a sponge for your plants

Rehydrating Soils – turn your soil into a sponge for your plants

When it comes to growing plants, and especially when growing your own food, having the right balance of air and water in your soil is one of the keys to maintaining good, healthy growth.

Celebrating Love Your Pet Day with Tumbleweed

Celebrating Love Your Pet Day with Tumbleweed

Celebrating Love Your Pet Day with Tumbleweed

February 20th is Love Your Pet Day - a special occasion that allows us to express our affection and appreciation for our beloved animal companions.

How to Add a New Tray to Your Worm Farm

How to Add a New Tray to Your Worm Farm

Expanding Your Vermicomposting System

One of the great advances in home composting was the invention of multi-level above ground worm farms by Nigel Nattrass of Tumbleweed back in the early 1990’s.

How to use your worm liquid and castings

How to use your worm liquid and castings

Let’s delve into how to get the best value out of the worm castings and liquid fertilizer that your worm farm generates These byproducts of vermicomposting are rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, making them a powerhouse for your plants' growth and health.

Going away this Holiday Period. <br>Follow these three easy tips on how to feed your worms before going on vacation!

Going away this Holiday Period.
Follow these three easy tips on how to feed your worms before going on vacation!

Here are a few simple worm farming feeding steps to follow if you’re jetting out of town for a little while.

Christmas Gift Guide 2023

Christmas Gift Guide 2023

Looking for a Christmas gift for your environmentally conscious, garden-loving friend or family member? Why not give them the gift of Composting?

Storing Carbon next to your Compost Bin

Storing Carbon next to your Compost Bin

Setting up a compost cage next to your compost bin is a total game changer when it comes to collecting and storing nitrogen and carbon material for your compost bin.

Spilling the Tea on Worm Tea

Spilling the Tea on Worm Tea

When it comes to worm farming there is nothing better than the liquid that we harvest that provides a rich source of nutrients and beneficial microbes for our garden soil. Angus Stewart explains the difference between Worm Wee, Worm Leachate and Worm Tea.

Create your own: Sustainable Backyard Powerhouse

Create your own: Sustainable Backyard Powerhouse

When should I harvest? A guide to harvesting your compost bin

When should I harvest? A guide to harvesting your compost bin

The key to knowing when to harvest from your compost bin lies in identifying when most of the contents have reached the final breakdown stage and have become humus, signifying that your compost is mature and ready to go on the garden.

How to: Adding a new Worm Farm Tray

How to: Adding a new Worm Farm Tray

Are you ready to add a new Tray to your worm farm? Let's look into how you can add a new tray for the Worm Cafe, Can-O-Worms, Worm Factory or Tumbleweed Cube. 

Worms love balance: The key to most of your Worm Farming problems

Worms love balance: The key to most of your Worm Farming problems

When most people start worm farming, they put their food scraps in and forget about carbon sources, which is how most worm farming problems arise. But remember, we can’t forget about the important role that carbon plays too!

Preparing your Veggie Garden for Spring

Preparing your Veggie Garden for Spring

Spring is in the air! The days are getting longer and the weather is warming – it’s such a wonderful time of year to start getting back out into the garden.

The Solution To All Your Worm Farming & Composting Problems

The Solution To All Your Worm Farming & Composting Problems

You’ve probably noticed the statement “just make sure you are aerating regularly” we can absolutely guarantee you that almost any worm farming or composting problem can be solved by aerating regularly.

Using worm castings during flowering

How To Know When To Harvest From Your Worm Farm

One of the great benefits of having a worm farm is the worm castings, or vermicompost, that the worms produce from organic waste. 

What is Composting?

What is Composting?

What is Worm Farming?

What is Worm Farming?

3 Steps To Get Back Into Your Composting Mojo

3 Steps To Get Back Into Your Composting Mojo

Growing espalier pear fruit tree

Planting Bare Root Fruit Trees in Winter

Understanding Soils - Soil Profiles

Understanding Soils - Soil Profiles

Soil is the basis of the garden, and soil health is key to growing healthy plants. This thin layer of mineral and organic material provides the medium for plant growth that goes a long way to sustaining life on earth, In this post we’ll look at the structure and layers of soil to understand how to manage and improve some of the most commonly encountered soils in Australia.

Common Issues with your Compost Bin and How You Can Solve Them

Common Issues with your Compost Bin and How You Can Solve Them

Let's talk about the common issues we all face when composting. Don't fear though, because anything can be solved and we'll show you how!

Food waste bokashi composting

Can I Compost That? (Worm Farm Edition)

Compost bin can o worms

Which worm farm is best for me?

Green leafy vegetable growing in the backyard garden

Your Winter Planting Guide

Your winter guide for planting your patch over the winter months.

Mushroom growing in the backyard garden

Mould: The Role of Fungi

Fungi and their role in breaking down woody (high carbon) materials in compost.

Worm Farming in an Office Space

Worm Farming in an Office Space

Food waste composting

How to feed your worms before going on vacation

Here are a few simple worm farming feeding steps to follow if you’re jetting out of town for a little while. 

Baby plants growth in soil

Self Watering Gardens - What is Wicking?

Wicking refers to the method of watering plants using a store or reservoir of water underneath the soil.

Satin moth on a leaf

Cabbage Butterflies in your Vegetable Patch

How To Harvest Worm Castings

How To Harvest Worm Castings

Grow Your Own Food at Home - Getting Started

Grow Your Own Food at Home – Getting Started

Growing your own food at home is one of the most satisfying things you can do. It’s a project that captures and celebrates the complete cycle of sustainability and it’s a serious feel-good to harvest your own home-grown food!

6 Alternatives to Using a Worm Blanket

6 Alternatives to Using a Worm Blanket

Composting your pets waste

Composting your pets waste

Creatures of the compost fungi

Creatures of the Compost – Fungi

Let's look at how beneficial Fungi can be in the composting process.

How Organic Matter Turns from a Nitrogen Source to a Carbon Source

How Organic Matter Turns from a Nitrogen Source to a Carbon Source

When it comes to composting we often hear about carbon and nitrogen and the importance of getting the balance between these two elements right. Let’s look at how these two elements interact with each other during the composting process and where they end up.

Soil Micronutrients and How To Optimise Them In Your Compost

Soil Micronutrients and How To Optimise Them In Your Compost

In this blog let’s have a look at the soil-derived micronutrients which are essential for plant growth.

Soil Macronutrients and How To Optimise Them In Your Compost

Soil Macronutrients and How To Optimise Them In Your Compost

We have all heard of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus as plant nutrients, but did you know that plants require at least 16 different elements that are essential for healthy growth? 

Children planting vegetables in the garden

Building Better Garden Soils For Free

Building better garden soils for free by improving your soil’s water holding capacity with home-made compost or worm castings.

Fruit flies on a rotting banana

Fruit Flies as Creatures of the Compost

Cockroaches as Creatures of the Compost

Cockroaches as Creatures of the Compost

Woman using a compost aerator on a ground soil

Aerating Your Compost

Young boy and girl filling a bucket with water from a hose

Involving Kids in Composting

Small ground orchid

Companion Planting in the garden

Companion planting involves growing one plant next to another in order to provide beneficial effects for one or both plants. 

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